Mobile or Web App Concepts..
Now that you’ve found the next great idea, what’s next?
While we all at some points in time come across certain questions, and we attempt to solve them through the spectrum of technology. What if I had this ground breaking concept that could do wonders to peoples lives and give me what I rightly deserve. That’s a fabulous thought..
At Binary, we specialize in coaching you about your concept, it’s feasibility, monetary ingredient, time commitments and various aspects that you may not have originally addressed. While every concept is good, some market expectations are also delved into.
Sudeep Chandra, the principal at Binary Consulting & Software Solutions, Inc has long experience in various projects as developer, mentor and manager. This experience allows giving opinions that are well-founded, detailed or abstracted as necessary and as close to being practicable as possible.
$350 for a continuous two-hour face-to-face meeting or session. Meeting can be at BCSS’ downtown Oak Park office, or at a mutually convenient location or virtually on video.
The Process: What to expect..
- Simply lookup an available time-slot from the sidebar calendar that suits you.
- Send an email to info@bcss.us quoting this service as your desired consult.
- You will be sent an invoice upon payment of which the time will be blocked.
- Meeting details will be sent in email communication.
- If additional time or service is needed, it can be decided then and there.