How your business looks like to your customers and prospective clients matters a lot. It can make a difference having more or fewer clients and thereby cascading into revenue and profitability. Your identity creates an imprint on the business minds of the people that matter. In dynamic environment, things change, like market competition, business landscape, etc., so should branding be adaptive reflecting current sentiment. Branding isn’t only visual perception, it is more components like telling your story, traits, promises, etc.
BCSS will help you with branding recommendations and guidelines. These can be simply implemented and translated by the respective professionals. Branding isn’t just a logo or color palette, it’s more than.
$650 is the minimum pricing and can be higher if the business organization has many ‘moving parts’ (meaning more components or unconventional situations). This includes a report that outlines your business image, competitors image and recommendations on what the business image should include. The report shall be abstract but specific. It will not however, contain things like logo design, etc. Rather it will contain guidelines that can be readily handed to professionals who can translate those recommendations to realizations.